Review: Ginga Kogen Weizen

Drink Date: 10/31/2010
Review Date: 10/31/2010
Grade: C+ (3.2 out of 5)
Beerface: No šŸ™‚

Blue bottle “with the reindeer” that pours dirty and with a finger of head. Grainy, but they do let you know it’s unfiltered. The smell is actually nice for a weizen, with lemon and honey being the most present.

The taste is a bit tart, followed by the sweetness of a citrus, maybe even a bit tropical. Carbonation provides a nice feel in the mouth to help out the medium body. By the bottom of the glass the grains became too much to finish.

I’m picturing myself on the beach in Japan, sipping this under a canopy overlooking the Pacific, and having it so cold that the mountains and the reindeer make sense. We’ll see if that ever happens.

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